First and foremost I thank the Lord Almighty for the blessing it is to shine a light of love, grace, peace and forgiveness into the lives of others, I thank Him for who He is and for the completed work in Christ on the cross. Secondly, I thank God for the support of each and every one of you; truly your contributions are seeds of financial blessing to those who will benefit from the chain breaking, mountain moving nature of this ministry. That said; as a ministry, we need the support of others to help provide resources, platform, and ministry to those in need. Your donations will go to providing resource e books, educational video curriculum, bible study guides, and greater access to ministry; this way we can offer low-cost/no-cost ministry to those with limited resources. It is our desire to live out this message of restoration even if we must provide the resources free of charge; the message is far more important than profit. Your gifts will also go towards improving and maintaining the site and web-based platform, expanding into crisis intervention, and producing more resources to equip, empower and educate the Body in the issue of backsliding as well as how to respond. They will help offset costs of travel, and general basic needs while out carrying the torch of restoration. God bless you for your sacrifice and willingness to give out of your hard earned finances to bless those with less. Folks, please keep in mind three things before any decision to donate: 1) The first priority is that a believer be obedient to the scriptural and God-given command to tithe their first 10% to the Kingdom; this is also why the first 10% of our received funds will go to my local home church; in addition to the 10% I will tithe out of any finances I earn; here or otherwise. 2). The second priority to consider is the scriptural and God-given command that believers are to be responsible for their own financial obligations/commitments in regards to their family's needs, societal obligations and generally sound financial stewardship. 3). if the first two priorities have not been met, please simply do not give. I will not be party to robbing God of His due, or taking from the families and children that are deserving of these resources. If you don't have the excess, don't stress-God will provide! If you don't feel comfortable giving, then no worries! We are still honored and eager to serve you at no cost. Donation is by no means a requirement; it is simply a means for this non profit ministry to maintain the resources necessary to facilitate its effective functions moving forward. Thanks. If you would like to give; for convenience, just click "BLESS SOMEONE!!" to donate, and you may use any one of several choices of e payment. Thx